Black Feather Farm
Welcome! Thanks for checking out Black Feather Farm! My name is Alexa Lehr and I am the founder and owner of Black Feather Farm. I started Black Feather Farm as a way to share my knowledge of poultry as well as to promote my rare and designer breed chickens.

My love for poultry started when my family got chicks in 2011. In 2013 I was enrolled in 4-H and did the 4-H Poultry Project for the first time. Ever since that first year of raising chickens for the 4-H Poultry Project I was hooked! There hasn’t been a spring since then when I haven’t been raising some sort of baby poultry.
Through 4-H I had the special opportunity to compete in the National 4-H Poultry and Egg Conference. I competed in poultry judging, which was basically grading laying hens, eggs, and meat carcasses on their quality for market sale or production. I was honored to take 2nd place in the meat judging section of the competition.
My poultry endeavors have also been featured in my local newspaper, Backyard Poultry magazine, Chickens magazine, and The Farm Show.

I fell in love with rare chicken breeds when I first laid eyes on a photo of a Svart Hona chicken. I knew I had to get some of those birds! Since 2016 I have been working with the Svart Hona breed and learning a lot about breeding, hatching, and raising rare poultry. I have also dappled in raising ducks, guineas, pigeons, and pheasants. So far, of them all, chickens have been my favorite!
My interest in using natural and home remedies stems from my desire to make Black Feather Farm into a sustainable, self-reliant homestead farm. I believe that learning to work with nature and live off the land is better for me, my animals, and the environment.
A few hobbies I enjoy include traveling with my family, baking, cooking, birding, needle felting, and photography. My favorite things to photograph are food, animals, and my collection of Schleich model animals. A few of my favorite things to bake include pies and cookies. I love outdoorsy activities including, camping, horseback riding, campfires, hunting, fishing, and swimming.

The Pioneer Chicks
I am a co-owner with my twin sister of The Pioneer Chicks blog. The Pioneer Chicks is where I share my knowledge of poultry, create healthy recipes, and share my journey as I strive to become a modern pioneer. I also sell homemade crafts and pioneer resources through The Trading Post on The Pioneer Chicks. I love connecting with other homesteaders and sharing each step I take as I create a more self-sufficient, sustainable lifestyle.
Make sure you visit The Pioneer Chicks to get helpful tips for raising chickens and learn to become a modern homesteader!

Black Feather Photography & Design
I am also a graphic designer and have an Associate’s Degree in Graphic Design. Logo design is my specialty, but I do enjoy branding and layout design as well. My real passion lies with photography though. I am mostly a self-taught photographer and enjoy the genres of wildlife photography, cuisine photography, and farm photography.
However, I am looking to build my skills as a product photographer, recipe photographer, branding photographer, and most of all, a wildlife photographer. My quest to learn how to become a better photographer is what drives me to keep practicing photographer and learn from the professionals!
I started Black Feather Photography & Design as a way to share my photography and graphic design skills. If you would like to see some of my work, follow Black Feather Design on Instagram. You can also contact me if you would like to see my portfolio. Or you can directly shop for my products by visiting my photography store!